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Published on Nov 5, 2022 by Leslie Bailey
The following changes to the Cash Assistance program were implemented on October 1, 2022:Elimination of the 185% Standard of Need Test and Federal Poverty Level Test. Countable income must be below the net income test or Standard of Need test, see https://bplc.cssny.org/benefit_tools/8 for the levels in NYC.Changes in earned income deductions: All households who have received [...]
Published on Nov 4, 2022 by Leslie Bailey
Regular HEAP BenefitHEAP officially opened November 1, 2022. HEAP provides a grant to low-income households to help pay for energy expenses. HEAP eligible households receive either a direct payment to their heating/utility vendor or a one-time cash benefit. The benefit amount depends on whether the household pays for heat directly (and if so, the type of [...]
Published on Jul 14, 2022 by Leslie Bailey
The New York State office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) is issuing a one-time, non-assistance cash payments to help eligible families purchase back-to-school supplies and to help certain households with a child under the age of 3 to purchase formula or food.OTDA will issue these payments directly to the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cash account. [...]

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Community Service Society of NY: Benefits Plus Learning Center / 633 Third Avenue / New York, NY 10017