HEAP Season is Open!
Regular HEAP Benefit
HEAP officially opened November 1, 2022. HEAP provides a grant to low-income households to help pay for energy expenses. HEAP eligible households receive either a direct payment to their heating/utility vendor or a one-time cash benefit. The benefit amount depends on whether the household pays for heat directly (and if so, the type of heat used) or whether the heat is included in the rent or mortgage.
Go to https://bplc.cssny.org/benefit_tools/8 for the HEAP income guidelines for the 2022-2023 season.
HEAP Clean and Tune Benefit
The HEAP Clean and Tune benefit opened on October 3, 2022. This benefit provides eligible homeowners with up to $500 to clean their primary heating equipment. This may include cleaning a chimney, minor repairs, as well as installation of carbon monoxide detectors or programmable thermostats, if needed.
To be eligible the heating equipment must be more than 12 months old and the equipment (furnace, boiler or chimney) must not have been cleaned within the past 12 months. The household’s monthly income must be below the income guidelines for the regular HEAP benefits. You must be HEAP eligible to qualify.
Go to https://bplc.cssny.org/benefit_tools/8 for the HEAP income guidelines.
How to Apply
To apply for regular HEAP and/or HEAP Clean and Tune:
- NYC applicants can call 311 or 800-692-0557.
- Applicants outside NYC can apply online https://www.mybenefits.ny.gov
Go to https://otda.ny.gov/programs/heap/#regular-benefit for more information on these programs.
Benefits Plus Online users can go to: https://bplc.cssny.org/pbm/cash-benefits/home-ener...